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Reliable pallets - (not only) for extreme conditions
Auxiliary inserts demand all the forces involved. The mobile infrastructure plays a particularly important role on the ground: the wounded have to be treated and sheltered in a protected environment, devices and machines need protection from harmful influences - and, last but not least, the emergency personnel need a secure space that gives them security and the possibility For regeneration. Specialized tent systems from RÖDER PUBLIC SERVICES come into play, specially designed for use under extreme conditions. Disaster prevention, medical services, accommodation, supply and storage - the list of possible application scenarios for RÖDER special tents is long. Common to all is the need to be able to react quickly and flexibly to new requirements without restricting protection and function. The RÖDER PUBLIC SERVICES tent system therefore combine easy handling with maximum mobility, resistance and long service life. The mobile room solutions are also a cost-effective alternative to massive constructions and offer a lot of space in a compact room for exercise scenarios, youth leisure and other outdoor events.
We would be pleased to answer any questions you may have regarding the Zöbel systems of RÖDER PUBLIC SERVICES personally. Just contact us!