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Industrial Structures, Tents & Marquees
Industrial and storage tents from RÖDER offer the perfect temporary or permanent space solutions for service, trade and industrial companies. Whether short-term increase in demand or long-term storage expansion - we deliver mobile, flexible and economical space solutions that exactly meet your requirements and optimally support your business processes. The portfolio of warehouses and industrial tents includes individual solutions in the fields of logistics and warehousing, production, maintenance and assembly, agriculture, wholesaling and retailing as well as salesrooms.
All halls and tents are characterized by a sophisticated construction that combines enduring mobility with statically tested stability and extensive options for expansion and equipment. Our commitment to you is not limited to the rental or sale of warehouses and industrial halls - we accompany you on request from the first planning phase to the installation of your turnkey room solution.
We are happy to answer your questions about our room solutions and support you in the planning and realization of your projects - just contact us!
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